life without branding

Imagine a world without any brand names, brand logos or brand messaging – I’m talking no branding whatsoever. What would the world be like? What would it look like? Ok, well maybe school-aged children could benefit from this. You know, no more getting picked on for not wearing the hottest brand name clothing. And there’s a high probability you would no longer be bombarded by a McDonald’s ad every five seconds…which might be ok.

But other than that, does anyone really benefit from a complete lack of branding?

In fiction, we’re talking George Orwell’s 1984. In reality, we’re talking Communist Russia. Without branding, there is no business – and without the right to have your own unique business identity, there is no competition. Want coffee? Where are you going to go? Starbucks doesn’t exist, so you go to a generic coffee house with just any ground coffee beans brewed in just any water. Want toilet paper? You’re left standing in line for just any toilet paper – because any toilet paper is better than none at all.

Everything looks the same and feels the same. It’s bland, it’s boring and it’s just plain awful. Why? Well what incentive do business owners have to improve their product if they cannot get their particular goods out to the public?

Lost in a Sea of Products

Let’s say you’re a business owner in a world without logos, brands, business names, slogans or jingles. How will consumers ever locate your product among others that may seem nearly identical? And what if you’re the consumer looking for your favorite product? Maybe you want to order a soda and you really like the taste of one caramel-colored soda over another. Well, without some sort of distinction between the varieties of soda products out there, you may never know which soda you’re purchasing until you taste it – and then it’s probably too late.

Without brand messaging, the consumer doesn’t know what makes your soda better than the other caramel-colored sodas on the shelf. Maybe you’ve worked hard at creating a soda that’s considered healthier because it doesn’t contain any food coloring or additives. If the label simply says SODA, how are consumers going to justify paying more for a product that looks the same as all the rest?

Without brands, there’s no brand recognition. Without brand recognition, there’s no consumer loyalty. Without consumer loyalty, there’s no brand integrity. And the cycle repeats indefinitely.

Generic Business Means Generic People

What else is lost in a world without branding? If there are no brands, then you’ve also lost any sense of personal branding as well. So, there you stand, just another business owner in a line of many others with identical white polo shirts, uninspired khaki slacks and the same nondescript haircut. Essentially, you’ve become a Stepford Wife: lacking your own style, devoid of a unique personality and working hard for no real purpose or personal benefit.

No Brands = No Business

Think about your business as it stands today among other businesses in our brand-filled world. Are your consumers purchasing your product because they like it…or because it’s just there? Are they coming back to your product time and time again?

Plain and simple: without brands, there is no business. And if you’re not in the game, your product or service starts to look like all the others – whether you’re in the hypothetical brand-less world, or more importantly, in today’s reality of branding as a necessary component of your business.

What does the consumer think about when they encounter your company, product or service? THAT is what branding is all about! In today’s world, if you’re not in the branding game, you’re just another nondescript product on the shelf.

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