In 1993, the average US consumer received between 2,000 and 3,000 marketing messages per day, consisting of TV, radio and print advertising in the form of billboards, magazine ads, direct mail, brochures and labels. Where do you think we’re at nowadays, especially in the wake of the Internet boom? 20 years later here in 2013, the average US consumer receives around 30,000 marketing messages per day. 30,000! Per day! Can you believe it?


So how can YOUR business cut through all that noise?

How can your business Break the Sound Barrier?


You Know: You’re the Best
All businesses are NOT created equal. Why is that? Doesn’t every business owner and entrepreneur looove his or her business? Do you know your products or services are the BEST around? How often do you catch yourself thinking this: “If I could just get more people to TRY my product/service, they’d be instantly hooked! My clients/customers would never stray and I’d get all kinds of new business as the word spread.”

You know you need to stand out. Like everyone else, you know you need to get online and get some web presence. One problem: while the Internet makes it easier to be found, it sure doesn’t make it easier to stand out! Standing out from the masses was less work in 1993. Less noise made it easier to shine, and easier to really nab the attention of your target market.


But you’re the best, right? So how will they know you’re the best?

It’s time your business Breaks the Sound Barrier.


You Know: So Get Noticed!
You’re better than an inevitable drowning death, fading away as the sound around you only gets louder. How do the best companies survive? What do some companies know that others don’t?

Here’s the secret: Great Businesses Understand the Importance of Great Branding. If you think a great brand is beyond your current budget: it’s time to rethink your priorities. A great brand is an investment in your company that WILL provide you with great returns over time. Why risk fading into the background when you can stand out to see real results?


You Know: But Do You Really?
To get your branding right, it’s important to ask and answer the right questions. Discovering what lies at the heart of your brand requires some serious think time. Don’t make the common mistake of slapping a logo together and calling it your brand.

Your brand is a complete, consistent and memorable way to showcase your unique story. So let’s be honest: this is no time to sell yourself short. Don’t know where to start? Totally ok: we’ll make this fun! Before you brand, ask yourself…


Q. What the heck am I doing?
(Hey, now you have your mission.)

Q. Why the heck am I doing it?
(That’s your vision.)

Q. Why would anyone give a hoot?
(These are your product/service benefits.)

Q. Who’s really going to care?
(You’ve now defined your target audience.)

Q. How are you doing what you do differently than someone else? What makes you so freakin’ special?
(Now you know your competition/colleagues and your Unique Selling Proposition.)

Q. Is there a reason someone would want it done differently?
(This’ll help you determine if your product/service is market viable.)

Q. Did your business creation stem from a personal need?
(There’s your unique and memorable brand story that sells.)

Q. Are you a control freak?
(Can you let go and accept it when your business outgrows you?)


One final question: do you remember all of those 30,000 marketing messages you saw today? Of course not. But I bet you anything the messages that DID attract you stood out from all that noise. Think about it: why did those particular messages stand out for you?

Answer these questions and you’re on the right track to developing a full-circle, stellar brand message. The answers to these questions are the foundation upon which you’ll build your brand. How will you Break the Sound Barrier?


Need help? Spot-On Branding will help your brand cut through the noise and Break the Sound Barrier. Contact us today!