A Brand Identity Manager—Your Brand’s Personal Trainer

When you decide to get serious about getting in shape, you hire a personal trainer to provide a comprehensive, one-on-one educational program that promotes health and fitness through realistic goal-setting and education.  Sure, you could go to the gym and create your...

B.R.A.N.D.™ Fitness

Let’s take a moment to think back to all those ambitious New Year’s Resolutions.  Are you sticking to your guns?  Falling a bit behind?  Maybe you had a goal for personal weight loss and/or improving your health and fitness.  But maybe (just maybe) you haven’t...

A GREAT Creative Team = Better Branding & Better Business

Last week on The Branding Spot, we talked about four must-have components for business success: a clearly identified target market, passion for your work, a reliable support system, and a continuous emphasis on networking. And what’s the FIFTH key component for...

Business Basics – Four Components for Success

Is 2012 the year YOU start your own business?  If starting a business is in your future, you need to be prepared for all the challenges and successes that await you.  This week, I took a look back at not only my trials and tribulations, but also my summits and...

Organization: Exactly Where To Start

The week in between Christmas and New Year’s for me is either spent traveling or organizing my office for the new year.  I absolutely hate to file things, so inevitably I have client folders, brand inspiration pieces and creative books in several piles around my...

Routine Maintenance—For Your Brand!

It is already the end of July and you know what that means…most of us only have three more months of productiveness before the new year is upon us.  I know, it is sad but it is the truth.  Like a lot of things in life, as your company matures, it needs regular check...