*Warning! This blog post most definitely contains a Stow-away-asaurus!*

What are you doing to stand out from the competition over the holidays?  If you want to pump up your holiday sales this season, it’s time to get creative – NOW!  This is THE time of year people are looking to purchase your products or services, so it’s the perfect time to come up with a unique and clever way to stick in the minds of your target market, and to keep them coming back for more all year round!

‘Tis the Season – For Gifts!

I love this holiday season so much that I simply can’t wait all the way until Christmas to partake in the gift giving!  Since I’m always giving gifts early, my family now returns the favor throughout the month of December.  Lucky me!

So, even though we’re not even fully into the first week of December, I’ve already received my first gift from my husband, Michael.  (And don’t let him fool you, he likes it this way – he never has to wrap any gifts!)  He bought me a telephoto lens for my iPhone, complete with tripod.  Oh so cute and for only $35.  It works, too!

How did my husband find this perfect little stocking stuffer (that we both knew would never see the inside of my stocking)?  I found an ad for Photojojo and suggested that he check it out.  Hint, hint.  My husband was so excited about my gift that he kept me informed as to where my present was in the whole packing, shipping and tracking process. (He’s so cute.)

Needless to say, we were both greatly anticipating its arrival!

The Stow-away-asaurus Surprise

Now just imagine our surprise when the big day finally came – and the package arrives on our doorstep with this huge WARNING label!

*This shipment may contain a Stow-away-asaurus!*

Weird!  So now, not only am I excited about my gift, but I’m also excited to discover what the heck a Stow-away-asaurus is!  What fun!  So we opened the package and looked at the contents form, which was anything but boring.  Right up top it says, “OMG! Your goodies are heeeeeeere!”  The goodies?  My iPhone Telephoto Lens Kit and a mysterious item called “Rawwwwwwwwr!”

Then I found the Stow-away-asaurus – it was just a cheap, plastic dinosaur.  I couldn’t help but smirk.  Simple, inexpensive, yet so fun!  BRILLIANT!


This cute little gimmick works wonders for the Photojojo company and brand.

Why?  Because this unique marketing effort is:

  • Emotionally Appealing.  A great brand evokes emotion from its target market.  Photojojo knows how excited their customers are about getting their packages, so they use fun language and an expressive font to show they share in that enthusiasm.
  • Memorable.  Every time I use my new telephoto lens, I’ll probably think of this experience – and therefore, I will continuously think positively about the Photojojo brand and company, even if only subconsciously.  This is exactly the kind of mind-permeation you want in your branding!  (Not to mention, I have my new pet displayed on my desk with my other creative items.)
  • Unique.  Even though Photojojo isn’t a company based in plastic dinosaur sales, they found a fun and engaging way to reach their audience and retain those customers.  I, for one, now get the warm fuzzies when I think of the experience and the company.  I’m more interested than ever in discovering what else Photojojo has to offer!

Find Your Stow-away-asaurus!

This is the season to send positive, engaging messages to current and potential customers.  If you can catch their attention during the holidays, you’ll open a world of possibilities for the rest of the year.