Brand Minimalism vs Simplistic Branding
We’ve seen a LOT of huge companies sporting new logo designs over the past year or two. Seems like everyone is turning in their former flowery corporate logos for a look that’s a lot more simplistic (and often a little too bland, in my opinion). Don’t get me wrong:...
All the Rage: Brand Makeovers
Are you thinking about a complete rebranding or brand refreshment? Seems like everyone’s looking to overhaul their brand lately. But before you make the leap, ask yourself this most important question: WHY? Why do you want to change your company’s image? You’re going...
The Great Rebranding Fail: Weight Watchers
Last week on my radio show, Brand With Impact!, my co-host and I were discussing all the wonderful instances of rebranding and brand refreshers from the past year. I was all prepared and ready to go when the discussion turned to the recent Weight Watcher’s rebrand...
Refine Your Resolutions with SMART Goals
Happy 2013! The holidays are over and we survived the Mayan Apocalypse, so the big question on the tip of everyone’s tongue is, “What’s your New Year’s resolution?” So, what are they? Did you write your list of resolutions yet? No? Even if you’re not big on New Year’s...
Focusing Tips for Creative Types
Getting down to business with serious focus can be particularly difficult for creative people—especially during the holidays! Between fun, family, friends, (and food!), there are SO many distractions this time of year. Creatives, like me, often deal with different...