STOP Branding Yourself Like a Chameleon

STOP Branding Yourself Like a Chameleon

Chameleons are cute, aren’t they?

We’re fascinated by these cool creatures because of their unique ability to blend in with their surroundings. We admire their clever disguises because we know that chameleons thrive by changing their skin. This adaptation allows the chameleon to hide from predators and more easily sneak up and snag a tasty dinner. The best chameleons will live long enough to have their own chameleon families, who will grow up to be master spies just like their parents.

It’s survival of the fittest – and we, as humans, admire those traits and abilities.

The Human Chameleon

When we’re growing up, we learn similar tricks so we can better acclimate to our social environment. In grade school and high school, kids strive to be just like their peers. Kids want to have the same clothes; they want to follow the same trends. Keeping your head down, not making any waves, and definitely not standing out from the crowd—that’s the way many of us learn is the best way to be successful.

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