Are You Ready for a Brand Change?
Do you want to improve your company’s branding, but you’re unsure of where to start? Maybe you know your brand could be improved, but you just can’t put your finger on the problem. Maybe you like your brand, but your brand is getting mixed reviews from your ideal...
3 Big Ideas for Attracting Clients
Client attraction: it’s something we’re all concerned about as business owners. So how do you grab not only more clients, but great clients who keep coming back again and again? Try employing these three big ideas to attract (and keep!) great clients this year!...
A GREAT Creative Team = Better Branding & Better Business
Last week on The Branding Spot, we talked about four must-have components for business success: a clearly identified target market, passion for your work, a reliable support system, and a continuous emphasis on networking. And what’s the FIFTH key component for...
Business Basics – Four Components for Success
Is 2012 the year YOU start your own business? If starting a business is in your future, you need to be prepared for all the challenges and successes that await you. This week, I took a look back at not only my trials and tribulations, but also my summits and...
Stop Struggling; Achieve Your Goals
Happy New Year from Spot-On Branding! Here’s to a safe and happy new year – and here’s to an exciting 2012 at The Branding Spot blog! Since the New Year is both a time for reflection and a time to look forward with hope, I’ve decided to share a few key lessons that...