10 Ways Tradeshow Sponsors Can Use Twitter To Boost Their Brand

Savvy tradeshow sponsors know that using social media is a great way to boost their brand presence before, during and after the event. But you can’t just sign up for Twitter or Facebook and hope for the best. You have to implement a smart strategy to reap the benefits...

Howdy, Partner! Top Co-Branding Partnerships That Work

Co-branding might seem like an industry buzzword for new marketers, but tried and true professionals know that partnerships can be a great opportunity for both companies to boost brand recognition, inspire consumer confidence and increase overall sales. Yes, we’ve...

Branding Basics from ‘Breaking Bad’

Back in 1996, when I started my freelance business, I rarely ran across a small business owner who actually understood the meaning of the word “branding.” “I don’t need any branding. I don’t have any cows.” Yea, I’m not kidding. I’ve heard that. I believe it was...

Protect Your Brand with a Strong Social Media Policy

Chances are most of your employees are using social media. Many of them are using social media at work. Some of them are using social media from work every day. Are your employees clear on what constitutes appropriate use of the Internet during business hours? Do you...

Countries: Brands with Massive Influence

“The public impression of a country is important as a source of national pride. Invariably, people source part of their own identity from the image of their country.” ~Robert Cevero, Professor, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of California,...

Comic Sans: The Designer’s Scapegoat

“If you love it, you don’t know much about typography. If you hate it, you really don’t know much about typography either, and you should get another hobby.” ~ Vincent Connare, inventor of Comic Sans Comic Sans: It’s THE font guaranteed to get a reaction out of just...