Stressed and It Shows? 3 Serious Stress Busters!

This time of year can be really draining, especially with this crazy cold winter we’ve been experiencing! We’re longing for warmth, we’re too cooped up, we need more sunlight, we’re overtired, and it seems like everyone is sick. But don’t get too down now—spring is on...

What are YOU Afraid Of? Public Speaking, Perhaps?

There are a lot of things in life to be afraid of, some real, some imagined. In fact, 6.3 million Americans have a diagnosed phobia. While your phobias may go undiagnosed, we all have our weak points: spiders, heights, flying—you name it! Usually, these everyday fears...

Your Confidence is Showing: Developing Your Brand Snapshot

When introducing yourself and your services (either in person or online), are you showing your stuff or do you sound unprofessional? For those of you still struggling to define your business and your brand, you might feel like you’re looking up from the bottom of a...

Your 2014 Content Marketing Plan – A 3 Step Guide

“Where do I even start? I’m overwhelmed!” …is this you? Even if you understand how content marketing is crucial for the ongoing success of your business and your brand, actually creating a content marketing plan for 2014 can be a totally time-consuming task. You might...

Can’t Miss Brands: The 4 Most Influential Brands of 2013

Whether completely over-the-top, controversial or just plain marketing genius, we’ve seen a lot of brands creating a lot of buzz over the last year. Brand advertising now comes at us from every possible angle: online, on TV and in print. Because of that fact, if you...

This Year’s Most Controversial Ads

Advertising your brand can be tricky sometimes. When it comes to big brands with hefty bank accounts whose main goal is to grab people’s attention at any cost, advertising has become downright silly and even offensive. From prankvertising to catvertising (using cats...