You are your brand.  Why?  Because your energy level, stress level and overall well-being are evident to your existing clients and your target market.  If your health suffers, your brand suffers – and thus, your business suffers.  It’s a frustrating cycle we’ve all experienced.  So how can you take steps toward better health and well-being?

The Stress Cycle Explained

“Most business owners are overstressed,” says Tiffany Jackson, ND of EcoHealth & Wellness.  “Driven to be super men and women on the job, you overtax your hormones, neglect nutrition and eventually suffer burnout.  To squeeze more into less time, most people cut back on sleep, eat on the run and use caffeine and other stimulants to prop themselves up.  The result?  A lifestyle that creates adrenal stress.”

As a business owner, you have almost a parent-to-child relationship with your business: you put a ton of energy into your business, so it can grow to be strong and successful.  But your business isn’t your family, and you can’t sustain a proper work-life balance if you don’t remember to regularly replenish yourself.

Stop The Cycle!

“Highly successful business owners are fit and healthy,” says Jackson.  “They understand a healthy mind and body improve productivity and general well-being…enabling them to cope with the pressures of running a business.”

What Is Healthy?

“Healthy is following a positive lifestyle,” says Jackson.  This means:

  • “Eating healthy, balanced meals throughout the day (including lean protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats),
  • Incorporating a workout program that is realistic and consistent, and
  • Always ending the day with a good night’s sleep.”

But I Don’t Have Time To Exercise!

“Don’t make excuses not to exercise!” says Jackson.  To stick with your exercise routine:

  • Go with a friend and compete against each other.
  • Set goals and keep a record of your progress.
  • If possible, ask a trainer at the gym to set goals with you, then you can report back every 3 to 4 weeks to measure your improvement.
  • Don’t say: “If I go to the gym,” instead say: “When I go to the gym!”  Success lies in your attitude!

You Are Your Brand

Healthy, energetic and fit in mind and body – doesn’t that sound great?  Once you decide to initiate changes to move toward a centered well-being, you’ll soon notice step-by-step improvements in both your mind and body, leading to improvements in your professional relationships and your business as a whole.  Remember: you are your brand!

Look for more information from experts in upcoming posts in the You Are Your Brand series on The Branding Spot!

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